Jofemar BT11 Note Reader
Mechanical characteristics
- Easy access to internal parts without the need for special tools.
- Top security stacker.
- Easy to dismantle.
- It can work in escrow mode, so the banknote is held back so it can be returned to the customer until a sale is made.
- Integrated stacker system with interchangeable cassettes and lock, using same, different key and master key possibility.
- Stacker capacity is 200, 375 or 500.
- Wheel-based banknote transportation system, avoiding unreliable conveyors.
- Special jam sensor.
- The banknote reader can be mounted right side up or upside down.
- Maximum banknote dimensions: 159x74mm (6.259x2.913 inch) with standard cover, but it could be increased up to 80mm (3.150 inch) width by using a special cover.
- Minimum banknote dimensions: 62x120 mm. (2,441 x 4,724 inch).
- Minimum acceptance about 95% for banknotes in good condition.
- Retention of patterns: minimum 10 years.
- Half time among calibrations: 3 months depending on the atmosphere use.
Electronic characteristics
- 18 optical sensors exploring the complete light spectrum for more reliability.
- Magnetic sensor to check additional security features in euro banknotes.
- Standard MDB banknotes reader.
- Validates banknotes in any of four possible positions.
- Flash memory for easy program updating.
- Banknote patterns can be re-programmed via a PC
- Operating temperature range: -10 to +60 °C (14F-140F).
- BT11 MDB Banknote reader: Input voltage range: 20-42 Vcc. Maximum peak current 1.8 Amp. Consumption with power supply to 32V: Waiting bills 110mA. Accepting bills 245mA.
- It can store up to 48 different banknote face patterns.
- Security level (high acceptance/high security) can be selected by user.
25.4cm x 7.6cm x 15.2cm (height x width x depth)